Historique: Determined convolutive mixtures under dynamic conditions
Comparaison de la version 21 à la version 27
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!::Determined convolutive mixtures under dynamic conditions::
- !::~~#FF0000:Under construction~~:: Blind source separation (BSS) in real-world environments is a challenging task even for the simplest well determined case where the number of the sources is known in advance and is less or equal to the number of the microphones. For this reason the experimental evaluation of most of the algorithms proposed in literature is conducted in controlled scenarios: i.e. the reverberation is not very high, the length of the mixtures is given, the sources are observed for a relatively long time and do not change their locations. However, such conditions do not reflect well a real-word scenario, i.e., the reverberation can not be neglected, many sources can move in the environment or can produce sounds from random locations (e.g. as in a meeting where multiple speakers are in different static locations). Furthermore the source activity is unknown and different sources overlap in different time-instants. @@ -Lignes: 10-13 changées en +Lignes: 8-15 @@
This task is derived from [http://sisec2010.wiki.irisa.fr/tiki-index.php?page=Determined+convolutive+mixtures+under+dynamic+conditions|Determined convolutive mixtures under dynamic conditions] in SiSEC2010. While in SiSEC2010 only two channels were considered, in these datasets four channel mixtures are provided. However, we still consider the case where two speakers are simultaneously active at most. Participants can decide whether using all the available channels or only a subset of them.
+ !! Results + + Results for test and development datsets: [http://www.irisa.fr/metiss/SiSEC11/dynamic/main.html|results] !!Description of the datasets @@ -Lignes: 61-65 changées en +Lignes: 63-67 @@
The development datasets are in the archive:
- [http://shine.fbk.eu/sites/shine.fbk.eu/files/nesta/sisec2011/dev.html|dev_dynamic_sisec.zip]
+ [http://shine.fbk.eu/sites/shine.fbk.eu/files/nesta/datasets.html|datasets]
It includes the directories/sub-directories: @@ -Lignes: 89-93 changées en +Lignes: 91-95 @@
The test datasets are in the archive:
- [http://shine.fbk.eu/sites/shine.fbk.eu/files/nesta/sisec2011/test.html|test_dynamic_sisec.zip]
+ [http://shine.fbk.eu/sites/shine.fbk.eu/files/nesta/datasets.html|datasets]
Files are organized as in the dev archive. The segmentation file and the individual source image files are not included. Note, the data in the test has been simulated with different instances of impulse responses (i.e. at different angular directions). |